Current Membership
Following is a list of the current accredited members of PHA (Vic & Tas). Tasmanian members are listed with ‘(Tas)’ after their names. If your project is based in another state, please visit Professional Historians Australia for links to other state PHAs.
PHA (Vic & Tas) expects our members to adhere to the Professional Historians Australia Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for Professional Historians in Australia as a condition of membership. However, members are independent professionals and PHA (Vic & Tas) cannot guarantee that a member will always be suitable for a specific project or task.
Need a historian and not sure who will suit your project?
Once you have a project brief of what you are after for your history project, you can send it to our Employment representative with a brief description of yourself or organisation and what you are after. They can give you advice and guidance about finding historians to partner with, as well as suggesting useful resources to facilitate your project’s development. If you’d like us to announce your project to over 200 historians through our History Opportunities newsletter, and ask interested members to respond to you directly, please can fill out our Job Enquiry Form. (It is not our policy to recommend specific historians, we notify our members on the parameters you require and the suitable historians can approach you directly; they would then get in touch with you and outline how their qualifications and experience meet your brief.)
** Indicates members who have completed PHA (Vic & Tas)'s structured Professional Development Program for 2023-24.
Professional HISTORIANS
Karen Agutter
Richard Aitken
Lesley Alves
Dr Kylie Andrews **
Tsari Anderson
Dr Kate Bagnall (Tas)
Dr Gwenda Baker
Jacquelyn Baker
Robyn Ballinger
Dr Stella M. Barber
Dr Jill Barnard
Margaret Bates
Abigail Belfrage
Michelle Blake (Tas)**
Libby Blamey
Dr Janette Bomford
Lucy Bracey **
Jessi Briggs
Rachel Buchanan
Dr Judith Buckrich
Rebecca Carland
Dr John R Carroll
Dr Lynda Carroll
Damien Cash
Dr Philip Caudrey (Tas)
Alicia Cerreto **
Dr Arun Chandu
Dr Chris Cheater (Tas)
Chris Childs **
Sophie Church
Dr Andrea Cleland
Dr Jo Clyne
Abby Cooper
Lisa Cooper
Dr Sophie Couchman **
Dr Lorinda Cramer
Dr Sarah Craze
Dr Annamaria Davine
Dr Nicole Davis
Katrina Dernelley
Dr Dilhani Dissanayake
Dr Helen Doyle
Dr John Doyle
Anna Drummond
Dr Jacqui Durrant
Belinda Ensor
Caroline Evans (Tas)
Gretel Evans
Richard Evans
Susan Faine
Dr Kathleen Fennessy
Dr Nicholas Fischer
Dr Emily Fitzgerald
Catherine Forge
Dr Miranda Francis
Dr Rosemary Francis
Dr Alice Garner
Dr Fiona Gatt **
Rowen Germain
Dr Richard Gillespie
Dr Emma Gleadhill
Dr Rachel Goldlust
Dr Madonna Grehan
Sophia Hanger
Helen Harris OAM
Dr Pauline Hastings
Dr Nic Haygarth (Tas)
Dr Gabriella Haynes
Dr Nikki Henningham
Bronwyn Hislop
Mia Martin Hobbs **
Katrina Hodgson
Dr Caroline Hubschmann
Judy Hughes **
Dr Andrea Inglis
Nicole Jenkins
Sonia Jennings **
Susan Jennison
Dr Laura Jocic **
Chris Johnston
Dr Mike Jones
Dr Meighen Katz
Helen Kiddell
Dr Andrew Kilsby
Jill Koshin (Tas)
Rebecca Le Get
Deborah Lee-Talbot **
Andrew Lemon
Barbara Lemon
Dr James Lesh
Claire Levi
Kathy Lothian
Dr Amanda Lourie
Kate Luciano
Dr Eileen Luscombe
Bob Marmion
Leo Martin
Elizabeth Marsden
Nicholas Marshall
Dr Jane McCabe
Dr Cherie McKeich
Heather McRae
Kimberley Meagher **
Paul Michell
Rosalie Mickan
Elizabeth Milford
Barbara Minchinton
Melinda Mockridge
David Moloney
Claire Muir
Kathleen Neal
Dr Elizabeth Offer **
Dr Seamus O’Hanlon
Frances O’Neill
Dr Dannielle Orr
Michael Ots
Dr Eugenia Pacitti
Prof Robert Pascoe
Helen Penrose
John Petersen
Dr Michael Pickering
Dr Robert Porter
Alexander Potocnik **
Fiona Poulton
Susan Priestley
Cathy Pryor
Anisa Puri
Carolyn Rasmussen **
Dr Jeska Rees **
Graeme Reynolds
Dr Nadia Rhook
Dr Geoff Robinson
Dr Penelope Robinson
Sarah Rood
Alexandra Roginski
Jennifer Rose **
Dr Liz Rushen
Emma Russell
Dr Celestina Sagazio
Claire Sandell
Genevieve Schiesser
Dr Simone Sharpe
Katherine Sheedy
Mary Sheehan **
Dr Tim Sherratt (Tas)
Dr Annette Shiell
Dr Sue Silberberg **
Dr Dianne Snowden (Tas)
Nicolette Snowden **
Marie Steer
Vicki Steggall
Julie Stevens
Michelle Stevenson
Helen Stitt
Dr Shirley Strachan
Michele Summerton
Dr Frances Thiele
Dr Benjamin Thomas
Prof Alistair Thomson
Caroline Torode
Deborah Tout-Smith
Dr Deborah Towns OAM
Mia Treacey
Dr Richard Trembath
Karen Twigg
Dr Hannah Viney
Dr David Waldron
Marian Walker (Tas)
Dr Susan Walter **
Dr Roland Wettenhall
Dorothy Wickham
Dr Douglas Wilkie
T Michael Williams
Elizabeth Willis
Patrick Wilson
Dr Fay Woodhouse
Dr Clare Wright OAM
Dr Linda Young
Dr Peter Yule
Brent Biasin
Michelle Blake (Tas)*
Solonge Brave
Jenny Coates
Alannah Croom
Tereza De Guara
Donna Fearne*
Deborah Groarke
Jo Guard
Stephen Ireland
Caitlin Mahar
Monica Cronin
Catherine Gay
Harshini Goonetilleke
Lauren Impey
Charlotte Jenkins
Deb Lee-Talbot*
Rebecca Lloyd
Joseph Parro
Nicola Erin Ritchie