Find out more about what historians do, why you need one and how to go about employing one.
What is a professional historian?
A professional historian is a formally trained individual who can critically assess evidence and events of the past and place them into a broader political, economic and social context. The skills of a professional historian complement other professionals such as archivists, archaeologists, anthropologists, architects, planners, marketers and lawyers.
What do professional historians do?
Professional historians can:
research and write a book commissioned by an organisation, often for an anniversary or special event
update and revise an existing history book
research and write short-term projects on specific subject matters for podcasts, websites, exhibitions, heritage booklets, walking trail guides, promotional material, film and radio presentations
prepare and collect oral histories and visual materials
work as heritage practitioners advising on the cultural and historical value of buildings by conducting a heritage survey or an individual heritage study, manage heritage conservation and other projects
undertake research on a legal matter and, for a court case, present an evaluation or provide advice on a historical matter
implement records management and archival practices; for example, establishing and organising an archive, or advising on records appraisal and disposal
work in museums, local councils, cultural institutions or universities.
Why do I need a history?
A recorded history provides you with:
a tangible way of both preserving and sharing the story of your school, business, company, charity, church, union, community group, local or regional council, government department, family or local area
commemoration of a specific event or anniversary
a clearer understanding of the role and culture of your organisation
planning for future organisational goals
a marketing and fundraising product
a contribution to a better understanding of our society and our world.
Why do I need to hire a historian for my project? Can’t one of my staff do it?
Producing an accurate, thorough and lively history is time-consuming and complex. Compiling history is a specialised activity that requires sound historical skills and knowledge combined with an appreciation of how to present information. An historian can help you choose and achieve an appropriate format based on the material you have available, adapt it to meet your requirements, and keep the project within the budget.
Some organisations and individuals find it helpful to engage a professional historian to assist in designing the project from the outset, while others will require a professional historian for just a small part of their project.
What materials does a historian need For a history?
Before engaging a historian, think about what information is already available. This can be:
written records, photographs or recordings
contacts with people of interest or knowledge of other sources of information
the provision of equipment, office space and administrative assistance.
Don’t worry if you don’t have much, historians are very adept at finding information. That’s their job!
How do I prepare a history project brief to engage a historian?
A project brief for a historian includes many of the same criteria for any other professional service. Try and provide some or all of the following information:
1. Background
Provide some background to the proposed project.
Provide a brief history of the organisation.
2. Aims of the project
What are the commissioning organisation’s goals in commissioning this project?
Who is the intended audience?
3. Scope of the project
What format will the history take? For example a book, report, exhibition, collection of oral histories or reminiscences, website or digital history?
The proposed length of the publication if applicable.
4. Project tasks or components
What will the historical focus of the project be? For example, is it to be a social or economic history, a chronological or thematic history, or a narrative? Will it focus on a particular era, event or person?
What archival or other sources should be consulted? Are any of these readily available?
Will the project require consultation with local community groups, historical societies or individuals?
Will there be a recorded oral history component? If so, do you have a number or a choice of people in mind?
5. Timeline
Is there a deadline for completion of the project?
Do you have a proposed starting date?
6. Budget (see below)
Provide an outline of the budget for the project.
7. Expressions of interest
Provide details of the contact person within the organisation for further information.
Outline the information candidates should provide in their application. For example, a CV, a budget costing, a tender, examples of previous work, etc.
Address for submission of applications (electronic/hard copy).
Closing date for applications.
What will a history cost?
The cost of employing a professional historian will depend on the scope of the history you decide to commission. Like other professionals, historians expect appropriate remuneration for their services.
The budget should include:
the historian's professional fees,
fees for any research assistance,
a research allowance (for example, for scanning and copying or obtaining photographs)
the cost of any travel or associated expenses.
the expenditure on the finished product, including:
any printing and associated publication costs
fees for the use of images
editing and/or proofreading
marketing fees for a publication
the fee to employ a web developer
copying and distribution costs for heritage assessment reports and documents
and any additional fees for presenting evidence in court cases.
See the recommended scale of fees and associated user guide on the Professional Historians Australia website for details.
How do I EMPLOY a Professional Historian?
Once you have a project brief of what you are after for your history project, send it to our Employment representative with a brief description of yourself or organisation and what you are after.
Your employment opportunity will then be circulated to over 200 members through our History Opportunities newsletter. Anyone interested in the project will contact our Employment representative and be provided with your project brief.
They will then contact you accordingly.
Professional historians work in an array of different areas of history. They also have skills in writing, editing, indexing and proof-reading history. The following graph shows where our historians work.
Graph of pha (vic & tas) member expertise at october 2024
Is there a standard contract available?
The terms and structure of a contract are at the historian’s discretion. However, a model contract is available for guidance.
Can I ask you for advice on employing an historian?
Yes, you can. Contact our Employment representative for advice on:
employing an historian for a commissioned history, exhibition, oral history, significance and museum work, or heritage work, including advice regarding copyright and contract provisions
preparing and checking the project brief
different types of publications, formats or presentations of history that will suit a range of purposes and budgets
publishing a history project
estimates of the probable length of time required for research and writing.
The Professional Historians Australia Scale of Fees and estimates of the probable costs of employing an historian
These services come at no cost to you. If you require a greater level of involvement from the Association, PHA (Vic & Tas) is happy to be involved in personal meetings, interview and/or steering panels on a consultancy basis.
For more information or for any enquiries, please contact us.
We advertise jobs to our members on a fortnightly basis. Please fill in our Job Enquiry Form to have yours included in our newsletter.