Discover recent projects by PHA (Vic & Tas) members
Teacher’s resources - Children’s Week 2020
Write on time: The forgotten craft of letter writing for kids by Louise Blake and Helen Harris. Includes PHA (Vic & Tas) members’ work in education history.
People are shivering in cold and mouldy homes in a country that pioneered housing comfort research – how did that happen?, by Rachel Goldlust, published on The Conversation, 18 August 2022.
‘This is not a barbeque’: a short history of neckties in the Australian parliament and at work, by Lorinda Cramer, published on The Conversation, 5 August 2022.
Bluey casts a tender light on being childless not by choice. Here’s what women told me about living with involuntary childlessness, by Sianan Healy, published on The Conversation, 19 July 2022.
‘It was the beginning of feminism’: how higher education paved the way for the women of Albury-Wodonga, by Portia Dilena, published on The Conversation, 28 June 2022.
Mrs Morland and Isabella Murrell: the brutal murder of a domestic angel on the diggings, by Katrina Dernelley, published on The Conversation, 15 November 2021.
The Chungking Legation: Australia’s first diplomatic mission to China, 80 years ago, by Kate Bagnall and Sophie Couchman, published on The Conversation, 28 October 2021.
The abduction, featuring Rachel Buchanan, published on ABC News, 20 October 2021.
Why does Truth come third?, by Kate Fullagar, published on Inside Story, 8 June 2021.
Looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift? Why not smash the patriarchy, by Carla Pascoe Leahy, published on The Conversation, 7 May 2021.
Our history up in flames? Why the crisis at the National Archives must be urgently addressed, by Michelle Arrow, published on The Conversation, 27 April 2021.
Stuck in the past: why Australian heritage practice falls short of what the public expects, by James Lesh & Kali Myers, published on The Conversation, 2 March 2021.
The politics of the necktie — ‘colonial noose’, masculine marker or silk status symbol?, by Dr Lorinda Cramer, published in The Conversation, 16 February 2021.
Friday essay: masters of the future or heirs of the past? Mining, history and Indigenous ownership, by Professor Clare Wright, published in The Conversation, 29 January 2021.
Dressed for success – as workers return to the office, men might finally shed their suits and ties, by Dr Lorinda Cramer, published in The Conversation, 27 January 2021.
Friday Essay: The singlet - a short history of an Australian Icon, by Dr Lorinda Cramer, published in The Conversation, 4 December 2020
'Researching your Chinese ancestry' by Sophie Couchman. Ancestor: Quarterly Journal of The Genealogical Society of Victoria, volume 35, issue 3, September 2020, pp. 32-36.
Why heritage protection is about how people use places, not just their architecture and history, by Dr James Lesh, published by The Conversation, 9 July 2020
Reconnecting the Yaghan community to cultural belongings 90 years on by Rebecca Carland, published by Artlink, 1 June 2020
How flattening the COVID Curve is helping my business build resiliency by Emma Russell, HistoryAtWork published by Humanities 21, 5 May 2020
Precinct Perspective: More Time to Connect by Stella Barber, published by Docklands News, 30 April 2020
Peter Yule, The Long Shadow: Australia’s Vietnam Veterans Since the War (Book Review) by Michael Tyquin. Historical Records of Australian Science, 2021, vol. 32, p. 205.
Studies in Oral History: The Journal of Oral History Australia, Issue 42, 2020, edited by Carla Pascoe-Leahy, with contributions from Katherine Sheedy, Lucy Bracey, Fiona Poulton and Nikki Henningham.
Consolidated Gold Fields in Australia: The Rise and Decline of a British Mining House, 1926-1998 by Robert Porter. ANU Press, Canberra, 2020
The Long Shadow: Australia's Vietnam Veterans since the War by Peter Yule. Published by NewSouth, 2020. For a review of Peter Yule’s publication, please click here to be taken to The Sydney Morning Herald website.
‘Chapter 14: The Yarra River through the prism of history: Providing life for a city’ by Judith Buckrich published in Ecological Economics Solutions for the Future., ed. Hayden Washington 2020
Online Exhibitions
Living Archive of Aboriginal Art Online Exhibition: NAIDOC & Black Lives Matter, curated by Alannah Croom and published on 5 March 2021.
Treasures from the Box Hill Historical Society Collection by Box Hill Historical Society, Helen D. Harris is the Hon Secretary and Archivist.
What’s the judgement? Reflections on the vision, artistry and construction of Australia’s High Court building is a four-part podcast series produced by Melbourne-based consultants Emma Russell, History At Work and Leo Martin, Line of Sight Heritage [both PHA (Vic & Tas) members] with Bryce Grunden, Sound Environment and David Huxtable, LookEar.
Women of War by Hannah Viney and Nicola Ritchie. Women of War is a new podcast from PHA members Hannah Viney and Nicola Ritchie on the women who lived, fought, loved, and died during wars throughout history. Slightly irreverent, mostly factual, and thoroughly interesting, Women of War profiles different women each fortnight to answer the question: what were the women doing? Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favourite podcast app. Find Women of War on social media @womenofwarpod for updates, teasers of future episodes and other interesting tidbits about women in war.