Emerging Historians: the Element of Surprise in Historical Research
As part of History Month, we partner with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria to host an event where three historians talk about a moment of amazing coincidence or serendipity in their research – it could be coming across a vital piece of information or finding just the right contact or network, seemingly by chance. It is always a great night to hear from young historians who research a remarkably wide range of subjects.
The hosts for the evening are Andrew Lemon for the RHSV and Sophie Couchman for PHA.
Speaking will be:
Kylie Andrews: Searching for the ABC’s ‘lost’ women producers
Nicole Davis: In Arcadia: Finding the Owners of Nineteenth-Century Arcades in Australia
Miranda Francis: Footscray High School creche - oral histories and archives
Visit the Royal Historical Society of Victoria’s events page to register your attendance.