Statement: Crowther Reinterpreted
/PHA (Vic and Tas) acknowledge the pain and suffering caused to the palawa by the statue of Dr WL Crowther in Franklin Square, primarily due to Crowther’s involvement in the removal, dissection and mutilation of the remains of William Lanne.
PHA (Vic & Tas) strongly believe that the reinterpretation of the statue, whether that be through its removal, replacement or alteration, should be led by palawa voices. Throughout Australia white elites have used statues in an attempt to re-image an Aboriginal landscape as European. Being led by palawa voices would allow for a redress in the way that history, which has glorified white male power and privilege, has been told and memorialised in the past.
We do feel that the statue is a cultural artefact of the past and it should be preserved – if not in situ, in a safe repository such as the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. It would provide an opportunity to educate the public about past injustices and contribute to truth telling. Whether removal, replacement or alteration of the statue happens, having a permanent installation or marker at the site that explains why it was removed, or adding new plaques or a counter-monument to the existing statue that reflect palawa voices and present a counter-history will ensure that the past, however painful, is not forgotten.
We acknowledge that this statement does not represent the views of all of our members.