Professional Historians Australia is deeply concerned and strongly opposed to the cuts being made in the humanities discipline by the Australian Catholic University.
The dismantling of institutes focusing on history and philosophy, as well as the reduction in academic teaching positions not only does a disservice to the University’s international standing, it also undermines the importance of the humanities, particularly history, at a time when historical enquiry and interpretation is crucial to Australian society.
Education is about more than getting a paid job. It is also a process that helps individuals make sense of the world. Studying history offers insights into the present. Equally important is the role of history in telling the national story. History that is relevant and engaging enhances a nation’s sense of identity and can foster informed participation in civil society and democracy.
At a time when evolving AI technologies are profoundly changing the very nature of 'evidence' and 'truth', history is a practice grounded in empirical sources, from hard-copy manuscripts and artworks, to one-on-one oral histories and visiting cultural landscapes. Historians are expressly trained to critically assess and balance these sources, shaping verifiable narratives of the past for today's citizens.
PHA represents over 500 professionally accredited historians across all Australian states and territories, who work in libraries, archives, local councils, museums and art galleries, the public services, universities and the media, as employees, sole traders and consultants. Many professional historians are graduates of the Australian Catholic University. They come to our profession with high standards of ethics and skills to research and write histories for diverse audiences.
We concur with the comments made by Professor Frank Bongiorno in the statement from the Australian Historical Association, in noting that ‘these cuts are deeply harmful to Australians’ capacity to ‘understand the world we live in’ and ‘create the best possible future’ to quote the stated aims of ACU’s own National School of Arts and Humanities.
PHA endorses the Value of History Statement published by Australia’s history councils. The statement emphasises the value of studying the past and telling its stories.
PHA encourages all members to sign and share the online petition at
PHA (Vic & Tas) supports this statement from Professional Historians Australia.